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Prime Hose AG - PVC medical Gas Hose

PrimeHose Ag - Antimicrobial Non Phthalate Anti Static PVC Medical Gas Hose

Colex PVC Medical Gas Hose is the latest development in a project designed to provide the market with up to date and technically advanced products for the delivery of medical gases in the modern hospital environment. With careful selection of materials Colex are able to offer high quality products based upon the best materials for the application.

PrimeHose Ag also has built in antimicrobial protection with a wipe down activation. This offers customers a product that is primed to meet any current or future requirements that arise in the area of infection control.

Historically, gas delivery systems were based upon PVC hoses plasticised with the standard ortho-phthalate plasticisers. As concern about the use of phthalates in such systems has grown, Colex have been at the forefront of seeking out the best solutions to this issue.

As there are many options available, some companies have simply sought the most cost-effective alternatives when selecting their non-phthalate materials. Colex do not believe that this is simply a price issue and have taken a more balanced view. Therefore, the PVC grade we have selected offers the customer a superior quality material that is currently used in a wide range of medical applications.

Features & Benefits

  • This material is based upon a low migration plasticiser and is expected to comply with BS2463, Freedom from Toxicity, which has been extended to measure Zinc content and UV absorption, and US Pharmacopoeia biological tests for plastics.
  • In addition, the material is also expected to meet the chemical toxicity requirements of European Pharmacopoeia monograph 3.1.2. and is SVHC free.
  • By using this material Colex has been able to produce a technical hose that is not only clean enough to satisfy today’s requirements but also gives the customer confidence that the material used goes way beyond what is required, and there is little chance that there will be any issue within its operational lifetime.
  • Colex Medical gas hose is also able to withstand gamma sterilisation.
  • Colex are willing and able to work with customers to ensure that their sizing and colour requirements are met and that they will comply with the relevant legislation.
  • We are confident that whatever your needs are, a partnership with Colex will offer you and your customers an integrated package of the highest calibre.
  • For more information or to purchase PrimeHose Ag Medical Gas Hose, please contact Medline Scientific on 01865 400321 or visit



Nominal Value

Liner Resistivity

(surface) ohm

9 x 1010 #

Cover Resistivity

(surface) ohm

9 x 1010 #

Burst Pressure

kPa (Bar) @ 23°C

9000 (90)

Internal Dimensions


Conforms to EN ISO 1307

Layer Adhesion

kN/m (EN ISO 8033)

2.2 (Mean)

Deformation Under Pressure

% (@ 1400 kpa)

≤ 3 (Diameter)

Deformation Under Pressure

% (@ 1400 kpa)

≤ 1.0 (Length)

Occlusion Resistance

BS EN ISO 5359:2014 (Clause 5.7)

No flow reduction *

Minimum Life Cycle

Years (@ 23°C ambient humidity)


Design and materials have been tested to and meet the requirements of BS EN ISO 5359 2008 *

Technical information for use as a guide only. All colours & lengths are subject to stock. Pressure values given are based on the short term burst pressure at 20°C . Any increase in temperature above 20°C will result in a decline in working pressure values.

Colex International Ltd. Quality British Manufacturing Since 1992

IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the above information is accurate and correct, the conditions under which Colex products are used are beyond our control and therefore recommendations are made without warranty or guarantee. Colex reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice. © 1999-2009 Colex International Limited, UK. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Please forward any questions or comments about this web site to our webmaster.